Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School
Excellence through Faith and Learning

Pupil Voice

At Sacred Heart, we value the voices of our pupils and know that listening to, and responding to, their views makes our school a better place.  To us, this means giving children responsibility and nurturing collaboration between pupils and staff.  We do this in a number of ways.

School Councillors meet regularly to share their opinions, as well as those of their classmates.  They are essential in the continual development of the spiritual life of our school.

This year, we have Eco Warriors to discuss current global and environmental issues and how these might be addressed in school.  Every new project undertaken at school takes environmental consequences into consideration as we try to minimize the impact on our environment.

In addition to these groups and committees, our pupils are regularly given the opportunity to share their views.  Involving pupils in decision-making and staff evaluation allows teachers to improve their practice and understand the ways in which their teaching is supporting the pupils in their care.  We look forward to working alongside our innovative pupils to continually develop the provision on offer at Sacred Heart.

you said we did posters sep22.pdf